Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's New? 8/27/2008

Here is what the Google Crawler thought you would like to know for the day:

The excellent Jewish genealogy blog, Tracing the Tribe, has posted that there will be an internet workshop in Montreal on September 9th at 7 at the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors. A link is there with more information.

A hat tip to Tracing the Tribe is also in order for this announcement from the Olive Tree Genealogy. They report that the Canadian Ships Passenger Lists from 1865 to 1935 will be available and fully indexed on the popular website. (Subscription required.) This list contains nearly 5.5 million names that entered the country during those seventy years. This looks lie a must for anyone that has lines that emigrated to Canada. I will check to see if this will be covered by those of us who just have access to the American records as the full package is $29.95 a month.

Elyse from Elyse's Genealogy Blog has a great story on why she does what she does. (It becomes habit forming.)

Midwestern Microhistory has a good piece today on land records. At some point, that information becomes vital to establish just where we came from. It also looks like a pretty good read if you have ties to the industrial Midwest.

If your lines go back to Colonial England or Ireland then you might be interested in the newly published or republished Calendar of marriage licenses issued by the Faculty Office, 1632-1714, now available through (H/T from

Anything you want to see posted here, drop a note at sgsvtbub AT and I'll post them.

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